To send suggestions or report issues related to Jericoacoara National Park, please email us at [email protected]. This channel is available to ensure that your request is directed to the responsible department.
According to the ICMBio Conduct Guide for Conservation Units, such as Jericoacoara National Park, the entry and stay of people accompanied by domestic, wild, or exotic animals are prohibited.
To enjoy the tour in Jericoacoara National Park, we recommend:
At Jericoacoara National Park, the preservation of the natural environment is a priority, and this equitable approach to fees aims to ensure that all visitors share the responsibility for conservation. This helps protect the park’s biodiversity and natural beauty, while also promoting a sense of community among visitors. For those visiting, it is important to respect the park’s rules and contribute to its preservation during their stay.
No. Jericoacoara National Park (PARNA JERI) is a Federal Conservation Unit, with the goal of protecting important remnants of Brazilian flora and fauna, serving as a habitat for species essential to biodiversity.
Jericoacoara National Park does not offer half-price entry free or additional discounts to the current fee schedule.
According to Federal Laws No. 10,741/2003 (Elderly Statute) and No. 12,933/2013 (half-price for students), the benefit applies only to specific locations, such as cinemas, theaters, musical performances, and leisure events, not including federal parks.
The ticket policy of Jericoacoara National Park is in line with current legislation. State Law No. 13,964/2002, which regulates half-price entry fee for blood donors, does not apply to the Park, as it is a federal concession governed by federal laws.
Jericoacoara National Park does not offer half-price entry fee for people with disabilities, as it is a federal conservation unit.
According to Federal Law No. 12,933/2013, the half-price benefit applies exclusively to cultural, sports, and entertainment events, such as cinemas and theaters, not covering natural parks.
Public servants have free access to Jericoacoara National Park exclusively while performing their duties, upon presenting a valid ID. Outside of these circumstances, there is no exemption.
Tour guides registered with the Ministry of Tourism (Embratur/Cadastur) are exempt from the entrance fee, provided they register in advance on the website and present the QR Code from their issued ID.
Registration: Click here
Workers and suppliers from the village of Jericoacoara are granted free entry while performing their duties, provided they have completed prior registration and present the QR Code from their issued ID.
Registration: Click here
Residents of the districts of Cruz, Jijoca, and Camocim do not need to register in advance. They just need to present a valid proof of address at any park entrance to receive the free voucher.
Anúncio de encerramento de oferta pública de distribuição, da 1a (primeira) emissão de notas comerciais escriturais, em série única, com garantia real, com garantia fidejussória adicional, para distribuição pública, pelo rito de registro automático, da Urbia Cataratas Jericoacoara s.a.
Announcement of the closing of the public distribution offering of the 1st (first) issuance of book-entry commercial notes, in a single series, with collateral guarantee, with additional surety guarantee, for public distribution, through the automatic registration procedure, by Urbia Cataratas Jericoacoara S.A.
Anuncio del cierre de la oferta pública de distribución de la 1ª (primera) emisión de notas comerciales escriturales, en serie única, con garantía real, con garantía fidejussoria adicional, para distribución pública, por el procedimiento de registro automático, de Urbia Cataratas Jericoacoara S.A.